This article contains general information on the schools in the Edvance Marketplace as well as general guidance on the application process.
What schools are in your network? What school is right for me?
We currently have 5 schools in our network and will continue to expand our marketplace of options based on the needs of the students.
In as little as 3 minutes, you can get matched to a school in the Edvance Marketplace by filling out the form here. We match you based on several factors, including your desired program of interest.
Is this an online program?
Yes, we offer online programs to members and their families.
What kind of degree programs do you offer?
We currently offer associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, and certificates. You can check out our program offerings on our Marketplace page.
What is the difference between an Associate and Bachelor's degree?
An associate degree is typically a 2-year program whereas a Bachelor's degree is typically a 4-year program.
What are the costs?
The tuition with union benefits depends on the program and school you attend. The discount is up to 50% and most books are included unless otherwise indicated. If you know the school you're interested in, you can check out the article on cost of the particular school you're interested in.
How do I apply?
Applying is a streamlined process. You should have already received a link to apply to the school based upon the information you provided to Edvance, your gateway to the Union College Benefit. If you have not received this please fill out our form to match you to the right school and program.
Throughout the application journey, your student success coordinator is here to support you. Feel free to reach out if you have any inquiries or need clarification at any point during the process. Your success is our priority, and we're here to help you every step of the way.
Helpful Tip: When filling out your application, accuracy and completeness are crucial. Ensure that you provide precise information and complete every section of the application.
Do you have to have a high school diploma?
Our partner schools require a high school diploma or GED.
Do you know how many credit hours are required for graduation?
The number of credit hours could vary depending on if you have previous credits that could transfer in. Also, the number of credits varies depending on whether you are looking at an associate or a bachelor's degree.
What is the recommended course load?
The course load will depend on the school you're enrolled in; however, you can attend either part-time or full-time. 12 credit hours is the minimum for full-time students at the undergraduate level, and students can take fewer hours to be considered part-time students.
Want to speak to someone? The Student Success Coordinator Team is available Monday-Friday from 8am-4:45pm EST. You can call them at 1-888-897-9671 or email at